Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 17

Near Grasshopper Pass.

Near Grasshopper Pass.

Day 10, Wednesday.
4:45 PM
We are at the Methow River, at the same camp Mel and I stayed at a couple of years back on the trip from Canada to Rainy Pass.  It's not an established campsite anymore and there is a new one across the river ... where there are a number of noisy, rowdy pre-adults having a boisterous time. Micki and I shall stay here, even if the Forest Service doesn't want us to. It looks like several horse parties have done the same recently.

We made about 16-miles today and it was very slow going because of my tender tootsies. It was very cloudy when we started out but it began to clear by the time we hit Tatie Basin and was nearly clear by Grasshopper Pass.  This was fortuitous because Grasshopper is truly magnificent and ranks up there and my top-10 list.

Switchbacks from Grasshopper Pass down to Glacier Pass.

Switchbacks from Grasshopper Pass down to Glacier Pass.

I met a young woman just short of the pass who had been on the trail since Snoqualmie, going a little bit every day and enjoying herself. I wished her well and continued on to the pass where I set up my photo equipment and snapped away happily. Two pieces of Mint Cake later, I had the tripod back in the pack, the camera in the bag, and we were on our way down those 22 long switchbacks to Glacier Pass (5462’).

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