Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 10

Playtime in the meadow.

Playtime in the meadow.

A varied mix of high and medium-high clouds are blowing over right now. The wind picked up a little this afternoon, but has since died back down to just a drowsy breeze.

The puppies are clock watching until dinner time, ticking the minutes off on their paws. It looks like we’ve company for the night; two 30-something men were just dropping their packs over at the luncheon site not so long ago. The dogs, of course, went over to our side of the stream to investigate. I saw one man looking at the two pups and hollered over, “Hi! We’re your neighbors.” Then I saw him pointing at Mica, who was getting a quick drink of water. I had just looked over at the same spot a minute or two earlier and seen only a lonely quail clucking his little heart out. Anyhow, I guess they decided we weren’t too bad of neighbors and went about setting up their camp.

The pups and I wandered around the meadows for awhile, them sniffing and me snapping photos. Pieper found a deer bone and Cayuse immediately wanted in on the action. Mica, being the sedate elder dame that she is, could care less. She just wants to get into the tent.

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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