Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 6

Tuesday, September 6, 1994. Day 3.
5:40 PM, Meander Meadows

We arrived shortly after 4:30 PM, foot sore and weary. Even the puppies were tired. I estimate we hiked six miles today, but it’s hard to tell; that climb out of Indian Creek sure wore me out.

I’m glad we camped where we did last night because it was the last good site until just below the pass.

Taking a break atop Indian Pass, where it meets the PCT.

Taking a break atop Indian Pass, where it meets the PCT.

We took a photo break at the pass and I mixed up a pint of Gatorade to replace my fading electrolytes.

We saw one woman shortly south of the pass. She said she was in a group that had come in via Stevens. A little later we saw one man who was pretty unsociable. That’s the total wrap-up for the society report today … two people. Perfect.

I’d almost forgotten how glorious this section of the PCT is — long, winding ridges, distant snowcapped peaks, and nearby Glacier Peak (my personal favorite mountain) dominating the skyline.

Glacier Peak, from above Indian Pass.

Glacier Peak, to the North from above Indian Pass.

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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