1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge from Rachel Lake

Rampart Ridge from Rachel Lake

There were two parties of day hikers and a couple of young boys setting up their Eureka Timberline for the night at Rachel Lake.

The campsites next to the lake shore are filled with garbage. But I found a swell spot high above the lake.  It’s a short walk to get water and we will have some privacy, as well as a much better view of the lake and its surroundings.

The place will be absolutely jammed this weekend, I'm sure. What a strange sensation that will be, after having had this whole beautiful area basically to myself this week!

I scouted out a couple of alternative camp sites, spoke briefly to the folks who had set up down at the lake shore, then headed back up to our high Rampart Ridge home-away-from-home.  I started off on the trail but still managed to lose the damn thing in the snow. But not to fear, we ended up on it again eventually.  It connects with the Lake Lila–Rampart Lakes trail a whole lot closer to Ramparts than I had thought.

And since it was just a hop-skip-and a minor jump, we popped by Alta Pass on our way back 'home.'

With any luck I may be able to find the Rachel Lake trail again tomorrow and not have to repeat the brush-whacking with a full pack.  Micki and her sharp little nose will be able to assist with the route finding, since she can pick up and follow her own scent.

Only 1 1/2 hours until dinner… Beef Stroganoff!

7:25 PM – I am growing increasingly worried about what I'm going to do Saturday night if darkness comes and no rescue party shows up.  I had this wild idea of stashing my pack (except for my cameras and a little gorp) and heading off on Sunday at daybreak in a marathon effort to make Spectacle Lake.  It’s really not anything I want to do, so I hope, fingers crossed, that I see some familiar faces at Rachel Lake.

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