1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge

The rain and fog are back

The rain and fog are back.

8:05 PM – The dogs and I have just returned from a brief picture-taking trip around the immediate area. I couldn't see much, but then that is exactly the mood I was trying to capture. I took both the Ricoh 35mm and the Pentax 6 x 7, then carefully wiped each of them down upon returning to the tent. I didn't want any moisture from the heavy fog and intermittent rain to damage the bodies or the lenses.

I'm waiting for the rain to really let loose one of these nights!  What's coming down right now actually appears to be partly sleet. But we don't care what it's doing outside because it is a toasty 50° in the tent with the candle lantern burning. Oh yes – it does throw out a little bit of heat.

I expect it will get jolly cold tonight!

Tomorrow will be our last whole day up here. My plan is to move down to Rachel Lake and select a primo camp Friday before the weekend hordes arrive.  I think maybe something up above the water and very private is indicated. I would rather cut through someone else's camp to get to the water than have half the lake’s population cutting through mine.

Tomorrow, perhaps we will go back to Lila Lake and the unnamed pass beneath Alta Peak, and also scout out that damn trail down to Rachel.

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