1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge

Woo-Hoo!  Let's go up there!

Woo-Hoo! Let's go up there!

Since we were on a roll (so to speak) I decided to climb up another ridge and see what was on the other side. It turned out to be a little steeper ascent than it looked, but I didn't slip once, let alone fall. ("That's always a good thing," Micki says.)

Both dogs were great, utilizing their built-in crampons expertly. Mica kept bounding/glissading down to see what was delaying me. My biggest concern was the one time she was unable to check her speed or direction and came crashing into me, threatening to dislodge us both. I saw her coming and quickly sunk my ice axe into the snow up to midshaft and hung on for dear elevation – I hated the thought of having to re-climb any of what we had just gone up!

After taking a few photos from the top, we headed back to camp.

This entire upper area is just beginning to melt out. I imagine another three weeks or so it will be quite spectacular, with pools dotting heather-covered benches. Some will be clear and shallow, others deep blue mini-fjords surrounded by beautiful rock gardens and a multitude of wildflowers. I can see that this would be a very spectacular place in summer and fall.

Just short of reaching camp I saw footprints and knew they were not mine. Then I saw a guy standing on a nearby small knoll. I walked over and asked if he was from Seattle (it seems that we're all from Seattle) and he said that he was. He readily agreed to convey my message to C&G regarding the change of pickup point. I gave him a hit of my Raspberry Kool-Aid and then he happily left to go back down to Rachel Lake, which has two parties camped at it today. After he left, I took a quick reconnaissance of the area and confirmed that I am the only person up here on this high ridge.

I do feel much better having two people trying to get my message out to C&G… Sort of an extra insurance policy.

The smaller tarns are starting to thaw out.

The smaller tarns are starting to thaw out.

8:10 PM – A little sprinkle of rain has started to fall. We're all snug in the tent at the moment. However, I fear I'll soon have to go out to pee. ‘Me, too!’ says Mica.  ‘Me, three!’ says Micki.

I had a big dinner – Turkey Tetrazzini and and extra pouch of corn. (I'm telling you, this Mountain House stuff is the best!) I thought I deserved a reward for all the hard climbing up and down these last three days. The dogs had their regular dinner – much to their dismay. They kept eyeing my food but got nothing. Hey, they never offer to share their dog food with me!

– Continue reading.