1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge Explorations

Looking west from Alta Peak.

Looking west from Alta Peak.

Mica and I had a great time butt-sliding down the steep snow slopes that we had just laboriously ascended. Micki was more sedate and insisted on delicately picking her way down.

The weather now is basically nice – no rain, with patchy but broken clouds and blue sky. There is a little bit of a breeze, but nothing to get excited about.  I hope this trend continues into tomorrow while we continue our explorations.

I know there has got to be a route to Lake Lillian but I've given up on the traverse to Park Lakes. That's a friggin’ joke!  If I am reading the maps correctly, it would be nothing short of suicide for me and the dogs to try that route.

I am really hoping those guys remember to call C&G!

At least I was able to pick out the route to Lila Lake from our picture-taking viewpoint. It looks strenuous, but feasible for a day hike. I couldn't see what was beyond the bowl the lake appears to be in but the lake itself would be a satisfactory destination.

Later this afternoon, I will put my wet boots back on and just roam around the area surrounding our camp. The dogs and I still have a little residual fatigue from yesterday, so a half-day of rest will do us a lot of good.   Right now, it is just nice to sit in the sun, relax and do nothing. This is my kind of vacation!

6:15 PM – My, but my pack puppies and I are proficient! We have just returned from climbing Alta Mountain and viewing Lake Lila and the Three Tarns. After examining the potential route to Park Pass from this new viewpoint I still was unable to see a feasible route for me and the dogs … especially me with a fifty-pound pack.

Nor do I see any east way to get to Lake Lillian.  We may try again tomorrow.  

– Continue reading.