Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 9 - No Name Lake

Reflection at No Name Lake

Reflection at No Name Lake

6:50 PM
I just finished taking the most incredible, magnificent sunset shots you can imagine!

"I helped," Micki says (from the warm cocoon of the tent.) That you did, little pup.

Picture it in your mind, if you will: both buttresses of Mount Daniel bathed in golden sunlight, the green trees in back of my camp with just the right amount of gold side lighting, and the whole thing mirrored perfectly In No Name Lake. Oh, heck … you don’t have to imagine it. Just look at the photos!

Reflection at No Name Lake

Reflection at No Name Lake

Now I know why it doesn't have a name, there are so many things you could call it, too many words ranging from ‘splendid’ to ‘magnificent’ to ‘gorgeous’ to ‘glorious,’ etc.

I ran out of film before I got all the way around the lake, but there's enough stuff here to make reflection freaks drool. I should have some great pictures.

Sitting here writing all this, I can hear small rocks falling from one of the gullies we either went up or came down today. A deer or maybe even a mountain goat has dislodged them, I imagine.

Reflection of 'Merit Badge Ridge' in No Name Lake

Reflection of 'Merit Badge Ridge' in No Name Lake

Did I mention that from up on our two climbs today I could see one of the Deception Lakes? We will be there tomorrow. I hate to leave this area – the weather has been perfect, but I do suppose five days is a good length for a trip. It's just enough so that you regret leaving but get everything done.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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