Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 4 - No Name Lake

September 29, 1983, 6:45 PM
No Name Lake, 5600’

No Name Lake

No Name Lake

It is nippy as I start my dinner water boiling. It will be good to have something hot to eat. Even Micki is cold.

Wow – this is the sort of place that makes one very sure there is a God somewhere!

We left Marmot Lake at about 12:45 PM and were here by 2 p.m. “Here” being a forested bench between No Name and Jade lakes.

For all my trepidation, the route up was far easier than I expected and I think the guidebooks must say how tough it is just to keep people away from this magnificent area.

Route up to No Name Lake

Route up to No Name Lake

No Name Lake is beautiful and Jade Lake is nothing short of spectacular! It surely ranks in my top-10 and is right up there with the Enchantments, Cathedral, and Lyman Lakes.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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