Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 10 - Leaving No Name Lake

Looking back at Mt. Daniel and Mt. Hinman from near Surprise Lake

Looking back at Mt. Daniel and Mt. Hinman from near Surprise Lake.

Day 4 – Saturday
9:55 PM, somewhere near Surprise Lake

We did not leave No Name Lake until 11 AM today. We could have left earlier, but I decided to let the frosts melt off the tent.

High clouds (above Glacier Peak so about 10,000 feet) started rolling in at about 9:30 AM, so I finally forced myself up and out of the tent.

Micki would not eat her breakfast. I had a handful of M&M’s and a little Kool-Aid. She eyed the M&M’s but didn't get any. Chocolate’s not good for doggies!

It was hard to leave this delightful place. Micki seemed to get quite annoyed and turned up several times to look back as we headed back down the steep gully to Marmot Lake.

Back to Marmot Lake

Passing Marmot Lake on the way out.

We were down in a jiffy and with a lot less energy than it took to climb up a few days earlier. Once we picked our way around the lake, we hit the trail and just rolled on down to the PCT, where we hung a left and headed north to Surprise Lake.

Near Surprise Lake

Near Surprise Lake.

I suppose many people will find Surprise, Glacier and Deception Lakes wonderful destinations, but after being where we’ve been the last few days and seeing the incredible high alpine scenery of Jade and No Name Lakes, these lowland lakes pale in comparison.

Tomorrow we’ll head up to Stevens Pass and our pickup point. I can’t wait to back to town and get my slides developed at Jet Color Lab!

End adventure!

1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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