Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 6 - No Name Lake

Hoar frost

Hoar frost

Day 3, Friday.
12:05 PM. No Name Lake

I roused Micki early with the thought of watching the sunrise. However it seems to come before 6:30 AM, which is when we got up. Oh, well. We stayed out for about an hour and a half and took a few pictures – nothing of tremendous interest I'm afraid. I am curious to see how the new ASA 1000 film looks. Usually I shoot film that's a lot slower, preferring Kodachrome 25 or even 64.

It surely was windy last night! We were fairly protected here, but it really whipped around down in the Jade Lake cirque.

Anyhow, on our too–late–for-sunrise photo trip, we ascended to a tiny little hump between Jade’s outlet stream and No Name Lake. I about froze my hands off getting a couple of ‘looking down into the abyss’ shots.

Down into the Abyss!

Down into the Abyss!

On the way back to the tent I stopped to take pictures of icy concentric rings in a frozen puddle. Really cool (no pun intended!) looking.

Crawling back into my bag, I finish reading my first science fiction book – I brought two – and dozed off until about 11:30 AM.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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