Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 8 - No Name Lake

Micki above No Name Lake

Micki above No Name Lake

5:05 PM – still Friday
What a semi–serious amateur photographer won't do for a slightly different angle!

Micki and I earned our Mountaineering Merit Badges today, that's for sure!

We climbed up that ridge I mentioned earlier … the one I wasn’t going to put the effort into because I didn’t think it would give me any really different photo opportunities. That sucker actually turned out to be a serious scramble. We had to descend via a different route, for there was one section we could get up, but not back down safely.

Going up I had to lift Micki onto a little ledge, edge myself up, then push her up the rest of the way. Then, I had to bury the pick of my ice axe up near the top and use that in my right hand and a tree limb in my left hand to pull myself up. All in all it was quite an adventure.

I got my first true summit shots of Mount Daniel and better shots of Hinman. The views were pretty incredible – this is simply a drop-dead gorgeous area. There's just more and more to see each time you look around.

Starting up the big climb

Starting up the big climb

After we carefully found our way back down, we stopped at camp for and I washed my hair (and other parts) as best as I could. It was so bloody cold that the water on my towel started freezing just after I hung it out to ‘dry.’ But now I'm feeling pretty good because I’m almost clean again.

Then Micki and I finally went up the little summit above the gully you scamper up from Marmot Lake. There was actually a rough trail going up that. Other than a nice view of the mountain we just climbed, there wasn't all that much to see.

No Name outlet stream tumbling down to Marmot Lake cirque.

No Name outlet stream tumbling down to Marmot Lake cirque.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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