Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 7 - No Name Lake

Morning at No Name Lake

Morning at No Name Lake

After my nap, I got up with all the intention in the world of eating a little breakfast and heading up the fairly formidable point between these two lakes and Blue Ridge. And then a fairly curious thing happened. I thought, why bother? The pictures would be a tiny variation on the 70-odd ones I shot yesterday. There wouldn't be new views, only a slight difference of angle. Why expend the energy?

Then I considered the joys to be found lying in a sun-warmed tent, drinking Raspberry Kool-Aid and reading the second science fiction book. So here I am – my first full day of rest. My only full day rest on this trip.

Micki says that (other than feeding her some of my oatmeal yesterday) this is the best idea I've had all trip.

Iced-over pond near camp.

Iced-over pond near camp.

Actually, the sun doesn't seem quite as warm as it should be. I think I'll wait until the “heat of the afternoon" and then maybe boil some water and clean myself up a bit.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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