Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 5 - No Name Lake

Jade Lake

Jade Lake.

I setup camp immediately after arriving, then took off to Jade Lake (5442’) for photographs. The harsh lighting of midday wasn't the best but hopefully I got some good stuff. (And, yes -- the lake really is that color!)

Micki and I hiked around the east shore of the lake and climbed up a little point for a close-up view of Dishpan Glacier. We were able to see No Name Lake and my tent from our vantage point, as well as the braided streams that connect the glacier to Jade Lake.

That's Dishpan Glacier and the high route over to the other side of Mt. Daniel

That's Dishpan Glacier and the high route over to the other side of Mt. Daniel.

There’s supposed to be a high-route up an over the glacier to the other side, but it sure looked way above my ability, especially being solo.

After a brief stop back at camp, we headed for the ridge dividing the basin No Name Lake sits in from the huge cirque containing Marmot Lake.

We didn't climb to the top of the ride – just high enough to see all three lakes, plus Mount Hinman, Glacier Peak, and Mount Baker. With clear blue skies and miles of visibility, you really could just about see forever.

Jade, No Name and Marmot Lakes from our daytrip.

Jade, No Name and Marmot Lakes from our daytrip.

27° at 7:45 PM
I wonder how cold it will get tonight. Last night at about 1:30 AM the moon was very bright. Hope to see it tonight. Sat out after eating my dinner – rice and chicken – and watched the stars come out.

Sunset from No Name Lake camp.

Sunset from No Name Lake camp.

Micki should be toasty warm tonight – she's wrapped in my Silverlining jacket on top of the Gore-Tex raincoat, pile pants, and the space blanket.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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