1982: Larch to Ice Lakes

Upper Ice Lake

Mt. Maude towering above Upper Ice Lake.

Mt. Maude towering above Upper Ice Lake.

The upper lake is a deep, large lake right beneath the imposing east face of Mt. Maude. It is larger than the lower lake and the north end was still covered by at least a foot of ice.

The scramble route up to Maude’s summit has several hard ice/snow patches remaining. Micki and I chose not to go up since I was wearing my sneakers. Maude is one of very few non-volcanic 9000'+ peaks in the Cascades and the only one whose summit is accessible to hikers, there being a route up from a 7600' saddle southwest of Upper Ice Lake, and a scamper up from the Leroy Creek side.

Since returning to camp, we have spent most of the afternoon lounging in the tent where we sought refuge from a half-dozen large horseflies that would just not leave us alone. I’ve managed to sew up the netting so they can’t get in.

The clouds are starting to come in again. Just as long as it doesn’t rain too much tonight or tomorrow, we’ll be fine. It would make the route down to Ice Creek pretty slippery in spots, but what I’m really worried about is the crossing of the Entiat River once we get down there.

At any rate, we’re leaving tomorrow morning. I figure if we can get out of here by 9 AM we can be out in six-hours or so, and back to town by 7-8 PM.

Upper Ice Lake.

Upper Ice Lake.

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