1982: Nightmare at Larch Lakes

Nightmare at Larch Lake



August 15, 1982
Ice Creek Trail Camp
2:25 PM

I know, it's early in the afternoon but we just gave up. There is only a little more than a mile and 1300’ of elevation left to gain in order to reach Lower Ice Lake … but we gave up.

And I thought yesterday was bad! Lordy, what a nasty seven miles we covered today. Yep, you ready that right … seven itty-bitty miles. That’s the grand total of mileage for today.

But let’s turn back the sands of time (doesn’t that just sound all classical/historical!) As I said earlier, the mosquitoes were out in full force at Larch Lakes. They finally diminished at about 8 PM, at which point it was actually quite pleasant to scramble out of the tent and walk around the lake.

The lake itself is very shallow and grassy. And buggy. (Did I mention the mosquitoes and how it would probably be a better destination in the late fall, when there are some consecutive days of sub-freezing temperatures? Seriously … I can’t over-accentuate the mosquito problem.) In an encouraging sign it did get quite chilly last night – there was frost on the tent this morning.

The only event worthy of report was the nightmare. After I went to bed and finally drifted off to sleep, I kept dreaming that people were outside my tent talking and saying they were going to throw my tent (with me in it) into the lake. I lay there in my dream frozen in terror at the prospect of drowning in the swampy lake.

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