Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 9

The Ashnola River.

The Ashnola River.

I've got my lasagna soaking and am ready for a good night's sleep. An annoying deer kept coming around all last night. It kept me awake, worrying that it would blunder into the tent. Micki, ace watch-dog that she is, dozed peacefully on.

Today’s 11-miles were quite a bit easier, except for the final 2-miles of switchbacks down to the river. We lost about 2300' in a painfully short distance. My knees and legs were doing the sewing-machine spasm by the time I reached the bottom.  The real pisser is that I'll have to gain most of that elevation back tomorrow.

I figure I'm about half-way to Castle Pass and the PCT. Two more days, even three at a more leisure pace, ought to do it.

I enjoyed the luxury of rinsing off the worst of the trail dust and soaking my tired, sore feet in the river. I puffed on a Sherman to keep the mosquitos at bay and just relished in the decadence of it all.  It feels good to be relatively clean.

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