Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 6

Yes, I threw a rock into the lake to get the all-too-obvious spash-rings.

Yes, I threw a rock into the lake to get the all-too-obvious spash-rings.

Damn, but I am indignant! Here I am, in mid September, at 7300 feet, and there are mosquitoes here. Lots of them.  The little bloodsuckers have to be amongst the most adaptable species in nature.

Have you ever heard that Native American (I think, but probably replicated in many cultures) story about the mosquitos and the trial of mankind?  In this tale there is a grand-judgment of all the species on earth.  In order to remain upon the planet, there had to be a minimum of two other species speak up in favor of yours.  When it came time for speakers in favor of man, only the loyal dog stepped forward.  Just before the hammer of justice came down, the mosquito spoke up (because we’re so tasty to the bloodsuckers!) and thus saved us from extermination.

Micki says it’s a dumb story and dogs would never be caught dead in that scenario.  (Say, Muttskie-Dearest … howz about we try eighteen dog biscuits a day?)

I only saw one party of horseback hunters today, which kind of surprised me as we are entering the High Hunt.   But I’m surely not complaining!  Micki and I have this beautiful lake to ourselves tonight.

Intense sunset orange bathed the cliffs of Cathedral Peak.

Intense sunset orange bathed the cliffs of Cathedral Peak.

Let me set the scene for you: as the sun was setting tonight, the sheer rock wall of Cathedral Peak (which rises steeply on the east side of the lake) was bathed in brilliant orange light. At the same time, behind me to the west, the outlet stream was cloaked in soft lavender with touches of purple and deep blue. I ran around like an idiot with my camera, taking picture after picture, trying to document the incredible light conditions. It was beyond beautiful.

The outlet pond and stream was a beautiful purple/lavendar.

The outlet pond and stream was a beautiful purple/lavendar.

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