Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 7

Cathedral Lake camp as the sun begins to set.

Cathedral Lake camp as the sun begins to set.

I think we may head for the Ashnola River tomorrow.  It's only around 8-miles, so that will be an easy day. Then we can hit Quartz Lake, which is about another 8-miles, the following day.  I had originally planned to do that all in one day, but there is something to be said for prudence. It's always good to work into the hike gradually; later on I can have mile-burning days and make up the distance.

Sunset and the outlet pond.

Sunset and the outlet pond.

Micki just said she'd like to go to bed now. I'm sitting here, still wearing her sleeping bag – my down sweater. She fits inside it just as cozy as can be, which is really great because it keeps her out of my sleeping bag at night.

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