1977: Stevens to Snoqualmie ... Again

Page 3: Oh, crap!

Chimeny Rock, high up above Dutch Miller Gap

Chimeny Rock, rising high above Dutch Miller Gap

At the south end of Waptus Lake there are a number of streams and creeks that flow into the lake. You've got the waters coming down from the eastern-lying Summit Chief Lake, the western-feeding waters coming down from Spade & Shovel Lakes, and the southern waters coming down from Lake Ivanhoe.

After fording the main headwaters feeding into the lake, we lost the trail. So Marj and I split up to beat the brush and find the missing trail. I think the basic premise was that if one of us found the trail, we were to holler out and notify the other person. But in the woods, voices don't travel particularly well or very far. Long story short: we lost each other.

O.K. — in all fairness, neither Poo nor Micki had anything to do with this or any subsequent debacles. Micki was with Marj and Poo came with me. We two humans were the ring-leaders; they had no choice. In retrospect, Poo would have been better off staying with Marj because I never did find the trail.

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Looking down at the Methow River

Bears Breast Mountain, from Dutch Miller Gap

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