High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 24)

As he worked, we talked and I discovered they were headed down into the Napeequa and out over Little Giant Pass – my own intended route!  I asked if they would mind me tagging along behind them.  I told them that I wanted to finish my trip, but was honestly afraid of trying to do it by myself. 

When I saw their faces, I realized what an imposition it would be upon them and apologized.  Bill gently told me that I needed to get out as soon as possible and get that ankle looked at by a doctor.  He added that the longer I delayed, the greater the risk of blood poisoning.

I tried to play it off lightly; it wasn't as bad as it looked and I was only talking about one or two extra days!  I'd do my best not to hamper their progress.  They said speed wasn't an important issue to them, but it ought to be for me.  People can die from blood poisoning, Bill added.  We agreed to talk about more in the morning and I hobbled off towards the scenically situated Omni.

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