Fabulous Marmot, Jade and No Name Lakes

Page 3 - To Marmot Lake

Nightfall at Marmot Lake

Nightfall at Marmot Lake

It froze hard last night – everything had a covering of frost when I peeked out of the tent at about 7 AM this morning. I wasn’t too surprised – we'd seen isolated patches of hoar-frost since leaving Deception Pass.

We won't get out of here until around noon or later today. I've got to let the tent dry out. And I wouldn’t mind waiting for the air temperature to warm up a little, either.

Breakfast on the stove at Marmot Lake

Breakfast on the stove at Marmot Lake

Marmot Lake is pretty big. The cliffs, for the most part, come right down to the water on the far side of the lake. The trail around our side is very sketchy and quite steep in places. It doesn't look quite as awesome as the aerial photo I saw, but maybe I'll change my mind once we start up the gully.

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1983, Jade and No Name Lakes

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