A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 12

West, from the Devil's Staircase.

West, from the Devil's Staircase.

I will be ready to leave Hopkins Lake tomorrow. Even though this is such a beautiful spot I'm almost ready to go today. Good weather days should be spent on the trail; I usually try to save my layover days for bad weather. I am curious, however, to see if anyone else drops in tonight. I might be able to get rid of some of this food that I so blithely accepted before considering the additional weight it would add to my pack.

My left knee has certainly been sore around the sciatic nerve. This looks to be a chronic problem, thanks to a work injury I sustained a while ago.  I slipped on the wet metal steps while climbing into my UPS package car and got my foot stuck between the curb and the truck while I fell forward into the truck.  Hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

Micki and I had breakfast in the tent. Yes-siree, I just opened that door all the way, set the stove right under the opening, and cranked the burner up. Not only did it help to warm the tent, it also dried most of the condensation off the walls.

Don popped popcorn in his tent last night. I had never heard of anyone doing that before!

This is the midpoint of the hike; I have five days left and then the pickup day.

If the sun does manage to burn through this cloud cover, I think I'll make an effort to clean myself up a bit. I haven't really washed sincerely since coming in. I may even boil water and wash my hair!

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