A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 11

September 15th, Wednesday.
Hopkins Lake, 9:25 AM.  45-degrees.

Early morning reflection shot.

Early morning reflection shot.

I woke up at 6:10 this morning and thought briefly about taking sunrise pictures before settling snugly back into my toasty warm bag. I awoke again at 8 AM and the blue sky was all gone. (“Where did it go, Rocky?”  “Gee, I don’t know, Bullwinkle!”)

But the benefit of the overcast is that it's warmer than it has been. And the wind has switched so that what little there is now comes from the west.

As the morning passes, the sun is doing a very valiant job at trying to burn the clouds away. The cloud ceiling is pretty high and seems to be relatively thin, so there is hope for at least one more idyllic day.

We had company last night! First, Larry dropped by. He was a through-hiker who had come all the way from Mexico. And then about an hour later, Don popped in. He had come from someplace in Oregon. We swapped stories and shared dinner around a campfire. I rarely have a fire, opting instead to use my camp stove, but this was a special occasion. We celebrated their last night on the trail. They both were planning to hit the Canadian border the following evening.

Micki and I were given a lot of their leftover food, including candy bars, soup, tea, and pudding. I may go out weighing more than when I came in.  (Micki says it’s a good thing she found that bacon because there’s absolutely nothing in this food deal for her!)

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