A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 10

Strolling around Hopkins Lake.

Strolling around Hopkins Lake.

I am truly getting to be a wilderness weenie. Maybe next year I'll take the first two weeks of September and do the Devils Dome loop that was on the original agenda for this trip. Maybe.

But look at it this way: at least I don't have to put up with tons of hunters. Ranger Linda said that the Devils Dome area is exceedingly popular amongst hunters. And she said there were two cases of Giardia reported in that area recently. (Makes my fresh, mountain spring-fed lake seem pretty sweet right about now.)

I have been looking at my maps and just realized that Hopkins Lake is the only lake on the Pacific Crest Trail between the Canadian border and Mica Lake (on the shoulder of Glacier Peak). Holy cow … that must be at least 100 miles!  Of course, there are plenty of lakes not too far off the trail, but just sayin’!

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