A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 9

Micki and I go exploring.

Micki and I go exploring.

Micki and I did wander around a little this morning.  First, we went down to Hopkins Pass and then the meadow below the lake to see if we could find the abandoned trail leading down to the river. We poked around for awhile, but I never did find it. But our efforts were not in vain, as Micki found a huge hunk of bacon at an empty hunters camp and had herself a dandy lunch.  I was panic-stricken at first, thinking it might make her sick or, even worse, be poisoned.  But she displayed no symptoms other than utter contentment.

Then we came back to camp and I put some stuff out to dry.  Afterwards, we took a quick saunter around the lake with camera in hand. I had been curious as to what the source of this lake could possibly be, and had my suspicions confirmed when we found the small spring on the far side of the lake.

I thought we were going to have some company because I heard voices about an hour ago up near the switchbacks, and then I saw a guy headed down to the lake about a half hour later. I haven't seen or heard anything else since.

Up on the Devil's Staircase.

Up on the Devil's Staircase.

Anyhow, like I said, we're dramatically altering the trip! Our current agenda goes something like this

  • Wednesday – Hopkins Lake
  • Thursday – Dead Lake. 11 miles.
  • Friday – Pasaytan River. 10.3 miles
  • Saturday – Oregon Basin. 9.7 miles
  • Sunday – Harts Pass. 7.1 mile
  • Monday – Harts Pass – out

That makes for a total of just over 38 miles. Add on the 26 we've already done and it makes for a 64 mile hike … which is plenty.

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