A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 8

I can't remember what these are called, but don't they look kind of like tampons?

I can't remember what these are called, but don't they look kind of like tampons?

Tuesday, September 14th
Hopkins Lake, 3:15 PM.

I have decided to abandon my original route. (Never saw that coming, didya!)  With the weather as potentially changeable as it is, I see no reason to get us stuck someplace between here and Ross Lake on a totally unfamiliar trail without a double wall tent and good boots. I have brought the Light Dimension, my single wall Gore-Tex tent on this trip. It is much lighter and packs smaller, but now I am wishing I had brought the Omnipotent.

We basically have done nothing today but laze around and read. And it's really quite chilly – when the wind picks up (and it is still from the southeast) we retreat into the tent.  There was a fresh sprinkle of snow on the surrounding cliffs, attesting to the dip in the mercury last night.

I think there is quite a difference between the first two weeks and the last two weeks of September. It's a difference of seasons.  The first two weeks are summer, the last two are fall.  There’s not much of a transition, just “Bam!”

The snow is pretty but annoying to deal with.  For a weekend trip, I wouldn't mind it; but knowing I have to be out here for ten days makes it an entirely different situation.

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