Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 4

Teapot Dome

Teapot Dome

It's 7:30 PM. M&D should be just about back to town by now. Ah, but they don't know what they're missing!  (Freedom of the open hills and such.)  I came upon a Ranger late this afternoon and he said the weather was forecast to be nice until Wednesday. Sweet!

I think I'll try to hit Upper Cathedral Lake for tomorrow night’s camp. From all the reports I've read and just from looking at the map, it ought to be a spectacular place to spend the night.

It is so quiet here. The noise I make writing in my journal seems unreasonably loud. Even the sound of my down sweater rubbing against my sweatpants is amplified and unnatural in this pristine setting. My fingers are starting to get a little numb as the temperature drops, and Micki already has the sleeping bag warmed up, so I'm going to call it a night and head into the tent.

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