1977: Stevens to Snoqualmie ... Again

Page 2: Waptus Lake

Summit Chief group on the left, Bears Breast on the right.  Dutch Miller Gap in the middle.

Summit Chief group on the left, Bears Breast on the right. Dutch Miller Gap in the middle.

We spent the second night at Waptus Lake. When you come upon Waptus from the north, you are greeted with an incredible view south down the length of this large lake to the massive peaks of the Summit Chief group and Bears Breast Mountain. An odd name, I know, but viewed from certain angles it really DOES sort of look like a bear’s teat. I guess, never having seen one up close and personal myself. But from the north end of Waptus, however, I think it looks like a bear standing on its hind legs, with its head up. You see its snoot and right ear ... but maybe that's just me.

Looking back up Spinola Creek, from our Waptus Lake camp.

Looking north, back up Spinola Creek, from our Waptus Lake camp.

We set up camp at a site right next to the lakeshore. Marj dumped her pack and immediately took the opportunity to swim partway across the lake. This is a really BIG lake but fairly narrow at the spot we were at. I waded out to about mid-thigh level in the deliciously cool water, spashed a little on my face and pits, and called it good.

While we were prepping for dinner a nice young ranger-lady came by and sternly cautioned us not to build a campfire. We very earnestly displayed our propane-canister backpacking stove, after which she went happily upon her way.

So we had a good, trouble-free two days behind us. But I knew it couldn't last. On day three, Poo and I ran into a little trouble. For the sake of historical truth and accuracy, I'll come clean right off the bat and admit that none of it was Poo's fault.

– Continue reading.

Looking down at the Methow River

Bears Breast Mountain, from Dutch Miller Gap

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