1977: The Enchantments

Enchanatments, page 2

Infinity: reflection in Lower Snow Lake.

Infinity: reflection in Lower Snow Lake.

There's a pretty respectable climb of about 400' up a rocky trail from Nada Lake to Snow Lakes. The established trail used to end at a low dam separating the two Snow Lakes. According to 102 Hikes (1972 edition), this concrete dam was built back in the 1930's to ensure clean water delivery to the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery. The dam is unimpressive, but there are large camp sites here with spectacular views down the upper lake to McClellan Peak and Mt. Temple.

You would then your pick your way along the lake shore to the foot of Trauma Rim and started climbing.

Well, there's a trail along the lake shore now. I was surprised, but had to admit that it really was pretty convenient and not anything that ruined the ambience of the hike. When we got to the base of Trauma Rim, however, my attitude changed.

Looking south to McClellan Peak from Trauma Rim route.

Looking south to McClellan Peak from Trauma Rim route.

It used to be that to reach the Lower Enchantment Basin one had to scramble up Trauma Rim by following rock cairns that marked the route. There was one section I remembered clearly where you had to friction up granite slabs. Getting up Trauma Rim used to be a 1600' serious grunt route and it served to keep the casual hikers out of the fragile upper basins.

Imagine my horror upon discovering that there was now a freaking trail, complete with log bridges, all the way to Lake Viviane. Not only that, but on the granite slabs one used to friction up, there were now neat little concrete steps.

It's an abomination. This is the absolute last place I would ever have expected to see a trail, let alone concrete steps!

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