A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop, page 16

Heading up the Rock Creek trail.

Heading up the Rock Creek trail.

September 17, 1982.
Rock Creek, 9:45 AM.

It's all of a balmy 40° in my tent this morning. It froze pretty solidly last night – I never had so much condensation in this tent. I had to wipe the worst of it off with a t-shirt. There is still a layer of frost on the outside.

Micki and I both had breakfast in bed. I have avoided getting out of the old sleeping bag for as long as I can, but it's time to do it now. Oh, crap – maybe 15 minutes more?

Nope – gotta do it… Goat Lakes or bust!

Camp near Lower Goat Lake.

Camp near Lower Goat Lake

5:10 PM. We are camped near Lower Goat Lake. 

After such a chilly start in the morning, it turned really warm this afternoon. Right now it must still be 80° in the sun. Now, this is your typical Cascade weather – a 40° temperature change in just one day.  I would be startled, but I’ve experienced it before.

I haven't seen anyone yet today, although I did hear some rifle fire about one-half hour ago when I was down looking at the basin below the lakes. Along with the annoying gunshot retorts, the few mosquitoes left are also extremely vexing. I suppose the warm temperatures are responsible. By all rights, the voracious little bloodsuckers should have froze to death last night.

Hey – newsflash!  I washed my hair while coming up Rock Creek this afternoon ... with soap and everything! It's actually halfway clean. Should I have met anyone on the trail, I would have felt positively presentable.  I think meeting Elizabeth shamed me into it.  Her long blond hair had recently been shampooed in anticipation of the big ranger party. (I bet there’s going to be some smitten boy rangers!)

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