A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 9

Glacier Peak from Image Lake

Glacier Peak from Image Lake

4:14 PM – I just heard a male voice. I’ve yet to see the person behind it, though. Even though I wouldn't mind having people nearby, a little privacy is nice, too.

It's really quite windy here. If this keeps up, the lake won’t ever be calm enough for a reflection shot. But the wind does have a good side effect – it keeps the mosquitoes down. The flies and bees are sort of noticeable here but not too bad.

I've decided not to spend tomorrow night here. I'll head towards Mica Lake and find a suitable campsite about halfway there. Now, don't get me wrong – it's not that this isn't a beautiful place, for truly is. But it’s overused and I would go nuts sitting here another whole day. So, I'll just hike 5 to 7 miles tomorrow and find a campsite and stop. It would be nice if I could camp next to a creek. Some fresh running water would be wonderful!

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd rather camp next to the creek than a beautiful lake, but this business of being a quarter-mile away from the lake you work so hard to get to is a bummer. But I must say that the box toilets are pretty nice. It’s nice to sit instead of squatting. And they offer a terrific view of the Suiattle River Valley and Glacier Peak.

The clouds are beginning to wisp in over the west flank of Glacier Peak.

– Keep reading.