A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 10

Friday, Day 6
September 21, 1979
6:01 PM, Milk Creek

Clouds beginning to sneak around the corner

Clouds beginning to sneak around the corner

Oh, what a day! But first, let me fill you in on what happened last night. That was a voice I heard. A party of three guys came in and camped up above me.

And remember those clouds I mentioned earlier? I sat for near two hours absolutely spellbound, watching the clouds move into the Suiattle Valley. My Lord! I mean to tell you, it was incredible!

I spotted them (while I was conducting my business on the box toilet) just as they came around a hillside down below. I thought, 'What's this? A fire maybe?' No way – those were dense white clouds at about 2-3000 feet. They were below us, since we're at about 6000 feet. And it was just like watching a bathtub fill up. They just kept coming until they fill up the entire basin below. I took about 20 pictures of all this. (Which my poor friends are going to have to watch – β€˜The history of a mountain storm, by Cascade Connie.’)

Clouds crowding into the Suiattle River Valley

Clouds crowding into the Suiattle River Valley

As soon as they started creeping up the ridge towards me, I dashed up the hill to see if the boys had put their tent up yet. They were in the process and I warned them of what I'd seen below. They seemed skeptical when I told them I thought the chance of rain was pretty good, so I left them and went back to my own site where I dug out a shallow trough around my little tent.

Sun beginning to set as clouds settle in Suiattle River Valley

Sun beginning to set as clouds settle in Suiattle River Valley

Well, it turns out the boys were right; it didn't rain. But it did get very cold, dropping to near freezing.

– Keep reading.