A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 8

Image Lake and Glacier Peak

Image Lake and Glacier Peak

I guess I really lucked out again, because I'm here at the lake and so far there's just me in the backpacker camp. The campsites here are established, but kind of mediocre. I say 'medicre' because they are located a full quarter of a mile southeast of the lake. And the water source is even worse here than at Lyman Lake.

You have to go about 30-yards down an incredibly steep path to a rebel which is laughably called the outlet stream. But at least you can fill up a water bottle, so I guess I shouldn't complain. And keeping the camps this far away from the Lakeshore and the Meadows surrounding the lake help keep it pristine looking and prevent people from trashing it.

Image Lake camp

Image Lake camp

Shortly after arriving here and scouting the campsites, the water situation, and the toilet, I walked up to the lake for a photo session. It was too windy to get a really good image of glacier mirrored in the waters but I think I got some good shots just the same. That's why they call it image link you know, because of the way Glacier Peak can reflect in the water.

I've only used my zoom lens twice so far; this afternoon and yesterday at the upper Lyman Lakes. The jury is still out on whether or not it's worth packing it. It takes up space in my pack and is additional weight that could be used on food instead.

– Keep reading.

I'll be adding a relevant photo here in the future.

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