A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 2

Continuing up PCT, Agnes Valley

Continuing up PCT, Agnes Valley

I saw a guy and his horse this morning. They came up from Oregon. He says there was a bear in his camp last night, but it didn't bother him. That was at Coon Lake. An old guy who has a cabin here at Cabin Creek says a mama bear and cub were spotted over at nearby Park Creek Pass recently. Oh, boy ... this is really not encouraging.

God, but that pack is heavy! I weighed it in as just under 50 pounds before I left town. What's a nice little UPS driver like me doing carrying weight like that on my vacation?

The weather is beautiful. The old guy at the cabin says it's supposed to be this way for a couple of weeks. I sure hope so. Maybe it'll help clear up the crud in my throat. I evidently have come down with some sort of virus.

After I leave here, the next few miles will be on a limited access road. I think I'll tie my boots to my pack and wear my Nikes. My feet are sore and I've already got blisters.

– Keep reading.