A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 3

Shelter at High Bridge

High Bridge Shelter

Monday, Day 2
September 17, 1979
4:16 PM, Hemlock Camp

I am so sore! I hiked almost 15-miles today.

Last night I stopped at High Bridge Camp and had a young man camp with me. I slept in the shelter and he slept outside on the ground. Throughout the night I could hear little animals, probably mice, scurrying around. I didn’t bother them and they didn’t bother me, so it was a pretty equitable relationship. Most importantly, they didn’t get into my food.

Yesterday I saw tons of people – the guy with the horse, three hikers, a ranger, the old guy who owned the cabin, the shuttle bus to Stehekin, two private cars, a couple waiting for the shuttle in front of the ranger station, and the guy who camped with me. So far today I have seen one hiker at about 11 AM this morning.

The trail is starting to gain elevation and things are getting tougher, what with that 50-pound pack. I opted to skip the side-trip up the West Fork of Agnes Creek. I figure I can layover a day at Lyman Lake instead. I'll probably need the rest by then.

Crap! I just looked at my schedule. I'm two days ahead! I'm not supposed to be here, at Hemlock camp, until Wednesday. Well, whadda you know!

Gotta ‘log off’ now; it's dinner time and my lasagna is ready.

– Keep reading.

PCT beginning to climb into the high country

PCT beginning to climb into the high country.

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