A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979 - page 19

Morning at Poets Ridge camp

Morning at Poets Ridge camp

I set off early the next morning, at about 7 AM. The trail rapidly deteriorated until I lost it at the base of a mountain. It was obvious that I was not where I was supposed to be. I got out my maps and tried to figure out where I was, but couldn’t pick out anything to orient myself to because the clouds were so low.

For the longest time, I walked around trying to pick up the trail but I couldn't find it. Then I sat down again, pulled out my map and tried to see if I could do a traverse around the shoulder of this little mountain. I finally just decided to return to where I'd last seen a sign. I always figure that as long as you know where you came from and you can get back there, you’re not lost. But really … how could I have missed the bleeping Pacific Crest Trail?

I finally found a sign half-obscured in in a clump of trees. It was pointing straight down the apparently trailess hillside and read, “Indian Creek - 2 miles.” Crap!

There was nothing to do but backtrack to where I'd seen the hikers camped the night before and pick up the trail from there. I had told Marj to meet me at Stevens Pass at 7 PM Thursday, so there was a little time pressure involved here. I could not afford to lose too damn much time looking for the trail and still make it out on time.

Finally at 11 AM (four hours after starting) I found that couple at a marker which read “White River Trail.” They gave me some water and listened to my sad story. I still don't know what trail I'd been on the night before.

Anyhow, after a short discussion we set off together for Lake Sally Ann. It turns out they also were headed out to Stevens.

– Keep reading.