A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979 - page 17

Cabin at Kennedy Hot Springs

Cabin at Kennedy Hot Springs

Sunday, Day 9
September 24, 1979
10:40 AM, Kennedy Hot Springs

At 5:30 this morning two idiots came barging through my camp and threw their sleeping bags down 30-feet away from me. I assumed they didn't know there were available sites up on the hill and proceeded to tell them so. They thanked me and said that this location would do just fine.

At 6:30 AM I got up and finally got into the hot springs. It was pretty swell, watching the sunrise from my own private 94°F hot tub! The water was only luke-warm; I mean it's below body temperature! But I stayed in for a half hour. It was sure chilly getting out, let me tell you! Especially since all I had to dry myself with was my Snoopy hand towel.

I scampered back to my sleeping bag el-pronto and lay there in snug warmth until 10 AM, when the sun shone into my tent. The two bozos were getting up, too. They didn't know there were other sites, they said somewhat apologetically. However they have left all their stuff here and asked me to keep an eye on it while they head over to Fire Creek Pass. They are going to be tired little boys when they get back. I hope they won't be rowdy neighbors – I couldn't help but notice they have a couple of bottles of wine. But in all honesty, I can't say that I wouldn't mind having a couple of cold beers myself.

My body is clean but my hair is totally filthy. I just can't bring myself to get my head wet – especially with this head cold that I have recently developed. I'll have to boil up some more water to wash it later.

I have finished reading my book and I'm now totally bored. Which means I'll be writing a lot more trivial stuff in this journal. Aren't you lucky? Oh, wait! I know ... I'll wash my hair!

– Keep reading.