A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979 - page 16

Bridge over the White Chuck River

Bridge over the White Chuck River

There are a number of people camped here, and it is obviously a very popular destination for weekenders. I haven't been up to the Springs to soak yet – I'm waiting for most of these people to go home. They are really not very friendly, these weekenders. They strut around in their fancy trail clothes trying to look very stylish. And I roll in with dirty, mismatched clothing and a body odor announcing my arrival.

The real story of the day is that the sun is out and all the clouds are gone! Even if it's only temporary, I am celebrating. I put on dry clothes and hung my sleeping bag, sweater, tank top, T-shirt, and towel out on my clothesline. I heated up a pot of water and proceeded to soak my dirty underwear and socks in soapy water until they were relatively clean. I'll just be a picture of high society when company comes tomorrow!

Camp and the laundry line

Camp and the laundry line.

6:03 PM – I still haven't been up to soak in the springs. Most of the people who were here last night have gone, but they've only been replaced by parties coming in today. I can't bloody believe it! If I'm going to soak, I guess it'll have to be in the early morning. I set my alarm for 6 AM and got out the map and guidebook to take a peek at what's between here and Stevens Pass.

I think I'm gonna skip Blue Lake – it's 5625’ and an additional climb that I don't need. Plus, it will be cold. It's 3300’ here and pretty darned chilly when the sun goes down.

I'm supposed to be a White Pass on Tuesday. That's about 11.8 miles from here and at 5904’. About another 5 miles would take me to Indian Pass at 4895’. Then I’ll hit Lake Sally Ann at 5479’. And then a bunch more ups and downs until I finally get to Stevens Pass.

Hey … I’m in the mountains. What else should I expect?

The sky is clear here at the hot springs; I imagine that means it'll be colder than last night. The temperature is already dipping noticeably. Time to get the sleeping bag down and into the tent.

– Keep reading.