A lonely hike without a dog, but spectaular scenery.

Rainy Pass to Stevens Pass, 1979, page 6

Looking up at Cloudy Pass

Looking up at Cloudy Pass

More clouds are coming over as I write this. The R&R has been good for me, but I really will be happy to move on tomorrow. There's lots more beautiful country to see.

I think I'll spend Thursday and Friday at Image Lake, then Saturday at Mica Lake. That way I can hit Kennedy Hot Springs Sunday night. I've got some friends coming in to meet me there on Monday. I'd like to get there a little ahead of them and would be absolutely ecstatic if someone were to finish the hike with me. Probably won't happen, but you never know.

After Kennedy Hot Springs I'll just have five days left on this hike. And if the rain has set in by then, I'll blitz it out faster. Like in three days.

I wonder if the Inn at Stevens Pass is open and if so, do they take VISA?

I had a rip-roaring fire last night. They're allowed in this established campsite area, and there's lots of wood around for fuel. I'm going to have another tonight – not that it's really cold enough to merit one, but it gives me a reason to stay up later. And I sort of feel it keeps the animals away. I know it helps to keep the mosquitoes away.

– Keep reading.